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Verizon Palm Pre Plus – Review

Busy Mom has a 2 weeks review of using the Palm Pre Plus, and they also have a giveaway. Here are some of the review’s highlights:
Texting – The Palm Pre Plus can handle IMs, texts and multimedia messages so you can stay in touch with people lots of ways. I had no problem adding my Google Talk IM.

Calendars – I admit that I am off and on about keeping my calendar in my phone. It makes sense, and I am so much more organized when I do it, but there’s something off-putting about entering dates in a small phone.

E-mail – My favorite thing about the Palm Pre Plus e-mail is that it’s really easy to use, and you can see a list of all your accounts (and their folders) on the same page. No more going from website to website to sign into your e-mail. You can also view e-mails from all accounts merged into one list, but that’s not been too helpful to me.

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