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3.5/5 in PC Magazine:
If you want a powerful Verizon smartphone, but you have nightmares about the Motorola Droid spooking your cattle and setting your house on fire, the Palm Pre Plus is for you. The Pre Plus is the kinder, gentler next-generation smartphone for Verizon, and it’s a great choice for messaging and Web-focused folks.
With two Droids, two Palms, and all the Blackberrys they can eat, Verizon subscribers can’t whine about their smartphone choices any more. The Palm Pre doesn’t “kill” the Motorola Droid. It presents a cuddlier alternate reality, where color and feel win out over widgets and apps. If you’re into messaging and Web browsing on Verizon, and it seems like the Droid is a little too geeky for you, it’s time to retire that old BlackBerry Pearl and move on up to a Palm Pre Plus. The Palm Pre Plus will be available on January 25 for $249.99, minus a $100 mail-in rebate, with a two-year contract.
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Will the Pre for Verizon be called the Palm Pre Plus?
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- Image via Wikipedia
Thanks to “a few tipsters”, PhoneArena found out about three new smartphones that Verizon might end up getting pretty soon. The first is the LG VS750, which apparently, will be LG’s first smartphone for Verizon, and will feature Windows Mobile 6.5 with global roaming support (CDMA/GSM). The second is the Motorola Devour A555, which used to be the Calgary, and apparently, is the little brother of the DROID by Motorola.
The third one is making everyone talking about webOS on Verizon. The third device is the Palm Pre Plus, we don’t know for sure if that’s the name Verizon Wireless will give to the Pre on the next month or so when they finally release the Pre in their network. What the “Plus” means or will be? Well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Source: My Pre
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Palm Has Verizon in Hand: Analyst
1 Comment · Posted by admin in Palm Pre, Verizon Wireless
Palm has some good times ahead at Verizon, says Macquarie Securities analyst who upgraded the stock to buy Monday.
It became apparent that the Motorola Droid was not going to be the phone that finally slayed the mighty Apple iPhone. Throughout the past two months, Verizon has remained officially committed to selling the Palm phones early next year, when Sprint’s exclusive deal expires.
TheStreet first reported that Verizon would likely take a minimum shipment of Palm phones and offer limited sales support for the devices. At the time, people close to the company said most of the marketing resources would be focused on the Motorola Droid.
Not so, says Macquarie analyst Phil Cusick.
“Despite market worries to the contrary, our checks indicate substantial support pending for Pre and Pixi at Verizon in early 2010,” Cusick writes in his research note Monday.
Palm may have turned a corner on its troubles of 2009, Cusick argues. Spotty supplies of the Pre hampered its debut, and Sprint’s weak support as the shrinking No. 3 player didn’t help much, Cusick writes.
Read the full story on The Street.
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Video: Side by Side Comparison of iPhone 3GS, Droid, and Palm Pre
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A comparison between three of the biggest hyped smartphone in the mobile arena, the Palm Pre, the Motorola Droid and of course no comparison would be complete without the inclusion of the iPhone 3GS.
The video is a side by side comparison lasting just over seven minutes and basically covers the similarities and differences of these three high profile smartphones, the Palm Pre on Sprint, Motorola Droid on Verizon and the iPhone 3GS on AT&T.
The reviewer states that out of all three smartphones the Palm Pre is by far the most compact and the webOS runs really smooth. Next up is the iconic iPhone 3GS and the reviewer states that out of all the phones the iPhone 3GS is definitely the best constructed handset and the one everyone wants to beat.
As for the Motorola Droid, the reviewer says it takes a lot from both the Palm Pre and iPhone 3GS with a high level construction and industrial design, and one of the thinnest handsets with a side out QWERTY.
[Source: Phones Review]
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