HP has explained how it is going to develop the WebOS platform after it acquired smartphone manufacturer Palm.
HP has now announced that it will be integrating the WebOS platform into some of its other product lines, including network printers. This means that smartphones will no longer be the only devices powered by the WebOS platform.
“You’ve now got a whole series of web-connected printers and as they connect to the web you need an OS. We prefer to have that OS, in our case, be our IP where we can control the customer experience,” said HP’s Mark Hurd during a conference this week.
Read the full story on top10
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- HP wants Palm OS for Web-connected printers, Hurd says (
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webOS version 1.4 now available for Verizon Wireless
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- Image via CrunchBase
Palm Pre (and Pixi) Plus users with Verizon—your 1.4 update is now available as well.
Via: Gadgetell
webOS 1.4
Release date: 27 February 2010
New applications
Feature changes to existing applications
Amazon MP3
When you download a song, the application shows the estimated download time.
If you purchase an album containing two or more identically named songs, Amazon MP3 now downloads all of the songs correctly.
App Catalog
An application developer can feature a video in App Catalog by providing a YouTube URL for the developer’s application. The URL appears as a link on the app details screen. Tapping the link opens the video in the phone’s YouTube application.
If you create a conference call from two outgoing calls, you can now end the conference call from a headset, if the headset model supports this feature.
You can customize calendar notification sounds in Preferences & Accounts. The options include Mute, System Sound, Ringtone, and Vibrate. The Ringtone option includes new notification sounds to give you more customization choices.
With this release, future occurrences of repeating Calendar events consistently appear correctly.
If you create an event and enters a phone number as the event name, location, or description, you can tap the phone number on the event details screen to dial it.
A new Select All application menu item is available when the cursor is in an editable text field.
A new Sync Now application menu item gives you a second way to manually synchronize your calendar accounts (in addition to the Sync Now button in Preferences & Accounts).
This release improves Calendar synchronization performance in poor network coverage areas to optimize battery life. It also increases the default interval for synchronizing with online calendar accounts other than Exchange accounts.
Editing a Google calendar event on the phone no longer sets an email reminder in Google on the web.
This release contains improvements to the visual calendar display, including a clearer indicator of AM and PM and improved current time display.
If you set VZW Navigator as the default application for mapping calendar event addresses, tapping the Event Location > Show On Map application menu item in Calendar correctly launches VZW Navigator.
You can record video whenever and wherever inspiration strikes with the new camcorder feature in Camera. After recording a video, you can edit the clip in Videos, upload the video directly to YouTube or Facebook, or send the video by email or multimedia message.
Global Address Lookup now appears as a contacts search option when you perform a universal search.
If you import a Mac Address Book contact, all contact fields display correctly in the Contacts application.
If you select the Select All application menu item, text in all contact entry fields is selected.
This release improves Contacts synchronization performance in poor network coverage areas to optimize battery life. It also increases the default interval for synchronizing with online contacts accounts other than Exchange accounts.
Email addresses for Yahoo! contacts now have descriptive labels such as Home and Work.
Phone numbers labeled Other for Yahoo! contacts now appear with the Other label in the Contacts application.
Device Info
You now have two partial erase options: Erase Apps & Data, which erases all installed applications and associated data, and Erase USB Drive, which erases files stored on the USB drive.
This release includes a new Secure Full Erase option. A secure full erase takes considerably longer than a regular full erase.
You can customize calendar notification sounds in Preferences & Accounts. The options include Mute, System Sound, Ringtone, and Vibrate. The Ringtone option includes new notification sounds to give you more customization choices.
A new Sort application menu item allows you to sort the message list in any email folder. The sort options are By Date, By Sender, and By Subject. Tapping the currently selected sort option changes the sort from ascending to descending or descending to ascending. Tapping another sort option sorts by that option in ascending order.
When you receive a message with one or more attached files, the first file to be fully downloaded opens automatically.
You can tap a phone number in the subject line of an email message to dial it, or tap a URL in the subject line to open the web browser to that page.
If the message body contains a phone number and you tap and hold the number, a menu appears displaying options to Call, Text, or Add To Contacts (if the number is not already saved in a contact).
If the message body contains an email address and you tap and hold the address, a menu appears displaying options to Email or Add To Contacts (if the email address is not already saved in a contact).
You can sign in to an email account with a domain of up to six letters (such as .museum or .travel).
For POP email accounts, a new preference lets you choose to delete a message on the phone when it is deleted on the server. The default is that messages deleted on the server are not deleted on the phone.
If you forward a message that contains attachments, and the attachments are not downloaded, the Email app first downloads the attachments and then forwards the message with the files attached.
In an Exchange account, if you delete one or more attachments to a received message and then forward the message, the Email app no longer includes the deleted attachments with the forwarded message.
You can successfully move a message from the Trash folder to the Inbox in a Yahoo! account.
If you send a message with an attachment from a Hotmail account to another Hotmail account, the message is sent correctly with the attachment.
If you send an email that contains periods from an SMTP account, the periods display correctly in the recipient’s email application.
If you reply to an email message with a large number of recipients, the reply screen opens scrolled to the message body so you can begin typing the reply text right away.
If you search a Global Address List for a contact in the Email app, the app returns the same set of search results as if you were searching in Contacts.
Special characters display correctly in the subject line of a received message.
If you are working in one application and perform an action that opens the Email application—for example, by tapping an email address in Contacts to compose an email message—when you complete the action, the Email application displays full-screen (not as a card).
This release offers improved account setup for Yahoo and Gmail hosted domains.
You can select and edit text from a message that you are forwarding.
This release includes multiple performance improvements in Email, including improved handling of message replies and forwarded messages and quicker response times to gestures.
Location Services
If you turn off the Use GPS and Use Google Services options under the Locate Me Using application menu item, the Locate Me Using menu item remains available.
If a memo contains a phone number and you tap and hold the number, a menu appears displaying options to Call, Text, or Add To Contacts (if the number is not already saved in a contact).
If a memo contains an email address and you tap and hold the address, a menu appears displaying options to Email or Add To Contacts (if the email address is not already saved in a contact).
You can dial a phone number directly from a conversation by tapping Text or the IM account name displayed in the upper-right corner and tapping the phone icon next to the number you want to dial. Phone numbers include the type of number: home, mobile, and so on.
You can attach a video to an outgoing multimedia message.
You can forward a text or multimedia message via email by tapping and holding the message and tapping Forward Via Email in the menu that appears. The Email application opens in compose view with the message text as the body of the new email message. If the message was a multimedia message, the multimedia message appears in the Subject field of the email, and any attachments from the multimedia message appear as attachments in the email.
If a message contains a phone number and you tap and hold the number, a menu appears displaying options to Call, Text, or Add To Contacts (if the number is not already saved in a contact).
If a message contains an email address and you tap and hold the address, a menu appears displaying options to Email or Add To Contacts (if the email address is not already saved in a contact).
In a conversation, incoming and outgoing messages are labeled with the phone number or IM account used.
You can now send a multimedia message over the Verizon Wireless data network when the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
Palm mobile hotspot
After update 1.4, Palm mobile hotspot is available as an application on the Launcher. You no longer need to download the app from App Catalog, and the app is no longer available from App Catalog. Note that Palm mobile hotspot requires a mobile hotspot data feature (available from Verizon Wireless for a monthly fee) that is separate from your phone data plan.
If you turn on Wi-Fi when Palm mobile hotspot is on, Wi-Fi turns on and Palm mobile hotspot turns off.
Multiple sequential calls to and from the same person are now grouped as a single entry in your call history.
You can tap the contact photo or icon in a call history entry to display options for that entry, including dialing an alternate number, sending a text message, opening a contact, or adding the number as a contact. The expanded display also includes call details such as call length and phone number type.
If you create a conference call from two outgoing calls, you can now end the conference call from a Bluetooth headset, if the headset model supports this feature.
If you access the list of countries from the International Dialing preference, you can search the list by entering the first few letters of a country name.
If you are on a call with a contact, tapping the contact photo on the active call screen no longer opens the contact entry.
Photos you copy onto the phone now appear correctly rotated in Photos, regardless of their initial rotation.
Screen & Lock
New blink notifications (a blinking light in the gesture area) alert you when email, text message, or other notifications arrive. You clear the blink notification by turning the screen on and off or unlocking the screen. The blink notification preference is on by default; you can turn it off in Screen & Lock > Blink Notifications.
Screen lock now supports any timeout interval assigned by a corporate Exchange system administrator.
Sounds & Ringtones
This release adds new user-selectable notification sounds under Ringtone.
This release offers better overall performance, including faster loading time for apps and increased battery life across a wider range of user scenarios.
A startup card appears when you tap an icon to open an application.
Global Address Lookup now appears as a contacts search option when you perform a universal search.
If you tap an open contact record in universal search results, the record closes and does not scroll off the screen.
If you are playing a game and a phone or calendar notification arrives, the game pauses while the notification is coming up.
You can quickly unlock the screen by dragging up from the gesture area across the onscreen lock icon.
This release improves the speed of downloading applications and files.
The title bar icon indicating a high-speed data network now shows 3G instead of Ev.
If an update becomes available when you are on a call, the update notification displays only after you end the call.
You can upload a recorded video to YouTube or Facebook on the web.
Videos you record appear in the Video roll folder.
You can edit recorded video. You can also delete recorded video, video copied from a computer, or video received as an attachment to an email message.
You can attach a video to an outgoing multimedia message.
If you tap the option to share an uploaded video, you have the option to send the link via email, text message, or Facebook.
If a web page contains a phone number and you tap and hold the number, a menu appears displaying options to Call, Text, or Add To Contacts (if the number is not already saved in a contact).
If a web page contains an email address and you tap and hold the address, a menu appears displaying options to Email or Add To Contacts (if the email address is not already saved in a contact).
This release includes support for the Adobe Flash 10.1 Beta plugin. Note that the plugin is a standalone app that will be available in App Catalog.
A new Sleep Settings application menu item allows you to change a setting so that if Wi-Fi is on and the phone screen turns off, the Wi-Fi feature turns off. By default, if Wi-Fi is on and the screen turns off, the Wi-Fi feature stays on.
If you turn on Wi-Fi when Palm mobile hotspot is on, Wi-Fi turns on and Palm mobile hotspot turns off.
This release implements a security fix to the developer portal. It now uses HTTPS to protect all sensitive data. We’d like to thank Andrew King and Michael Siroskey for reporting this issue.
Individuals interested in contacting Palm to report suspected security issues can find more information at .
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WebOS 1.4 Coming To Sprint’s Palm Pre and Pixi Next Week?
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If information from a Sprint technician who took the screenshot posted is to believed, we could be seeing Palm’s WebOS 1.4 going live on February 15th, 2010. The update would strictly be applicable for the Palm Pre and Palm Pixi on Sprint’s network, so Verizon Pre Plus and Pixi Plus owners are out of luck this time around.
The update is expected to bring along video recording, 3D video games, with the exception of Flash support on the Palm Pre.
Source: erictric
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Round Table: Six months with the Palm Pre and webOS
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Checkout Pre Central round table about the Palm Pre and the webOS; here is a highlight:
What was the most important event for Palm in the last six months, and what will be the most important in the next six months?
Craig: There has been no single big event from Palm since the the Pre was introduced but there are dozens from the user community. In July, WebOS Quick Install and fileCoaster threw open the door to homebrew apps like Solitaire and Checkers but none rocked like Music Player (Remix). Then came Preware and our world exploded. In September themes and patches came to the masess and suddenly our Pre phones could do almost anything. Oh, and somewhere along the way Palm released some updates and the Pixi.
Hopefully the biggest events ahead for Palm will be incorporating user patches and introducing the Pre 2. Imagine if Palm incorporated key user patches in one area each month: Messaging, Email, Phone, App Launcher, Browser, and Top Bar. Add in the Music Player (Remix) and the Pre and Pixi would suddenly have world-class apps, users would be a buzz, and the pundits would be blown away. Users could provide an endless source of patches. But if fragile Palm egos prevail, the Pre 2 will be irrelavent.
Derek: More important than the Pre launch in the long term will be the Pixi. Despite what Palm keeps saying, the Pre is a smartphone for smartphone geeks. The Pixi, however, has much more mass-market appeal, ala the Centro. In the 18 months after Palm launched the Centro they sold more than three million units, which is an awful lot for Palm. The hope, and expectation, is that the Pixi will replicate that success. Like the Centro, it’s the smallest smartphone on the market. Like the Centro, it’s a scaled down version of its big brother, the Pre. Like the Centro, it’s a new smartphone at a very attractive price-point: $100. And like the Centro, it’s an approachable cute phone. Assuming that Sprint’s exclusivity on the Pixi isn’t too long (they don’t seem to be making a big marketing push behind it), the Pixi’s eventual landing on multiple carriers will make it a serious contender in the mass-appeal smartphone market.
While the Pixi’s launch may be the most important of the last six months, the next six months will be all about webOS and the successor to the Pre. While I have absolutely no evidence apart from industry trends to back up this assertion, I believe that summer 2010 will bring both the Pre II and webOS 2.0. Assuming that the Pixi performs as well as we expect, Palm will be well positioned for an iPhone-style global launch of the Pre II. What makes the hypothetical Pre II important is that it will demonstrate whether or not Palm has learned lessons on the hardware front. Software is easy enough to correct, but once the physical phone is out there, there’s nothing that can be done to correct design deficiencies. The Pixi has shown that Palm does indeed know how to design a solid phone, but it remains to be seen whether that will be a fluke or the start of a trend.
Handhelds · iPhone · Palm · Palm OS · Palm Pre · pixi · Smartphone · WebOS
Palm’s latest update to its mobile operating system now allows owners of the Pre and Pixi to use Yahoo’s instant messaging client and watch YouTube videos in wide screen view, among other things.
But one feature not included in the update is the seamless synchronization with iTunes, Apple’s popular software for managing music and other media on a computer.
Palm has long clashed with Apple over whether or not owners of its devices can sync them up with their iTunes libraries without any intermediate software.
Palm confirmed that the newest release of WebOS, the mobile operating system for Palm devices, does not include a fix to the media syncing capability, although declined to specify the reasons behind the decision.
Read the full story on NY Times.
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