Larry Dignan from ZDNet got to the conculusion that the slow startup time may be a deal breaker for him.
See why in this video.
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<< Palm Pre rumored to be dropping to $150 on September 8th [source: Engadget]
Larry Dignan from ZDNet got to the conculusion that the slow startup time may be a deal breaker for him.
See why in this video.
<< Palm Pre rumored to be dropping to $150 on September 8th [source: Engadget]
Farhan Ahmad · September 10, 2009 at 1:39 pm
Yes, this is a problem with the Pre, but over the past two months I haven’t done it enough times to think of it as a deal breaker. Now, the battery life on this thing is pretty bad. In my mind that is a _much_ bigger issue, especially if someone is switching from a non-smartphone and is used to batteries that last more than two days